Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Proud? Sort of the Opposite...

Ever been really proud of yourself? Someone been proud really of you? Easy to remember those moments, right? But, what about those that we'd rather forget...

So back in my younger days (which seem farther and farther away all the time) I attended a yearly sailing school during the summer in Annapolis, MD. Sailing capital of the world. Outside all day for two weeks straight. Nothing but sailing. With a bunch of teenage boys. Pretty sweet deal as a 15 year old girl, right?

By the end of the two weeks, the instructors and leaders of the camp handed out awards to all the campers. Some for winning races, tying a series of knots the fastest - you know...sailing stuff. Not only were all the campers in attendance, all of our parents, siblings, and friends came too. Pretty fun deal!

Well, the last year I attended, I won three different awards - two of which I was excited about and the third, not so much. I was crowned Ms. MRSA (Magothy River Sailing Association) - basically the queen of the camp. Score! Second was an award for being undefeated in the races we held for our age group. Bigger score!! Third, and this pains me to admit (but at least you'll laugh), was...drum roll...the worst Sailor's Mouth award. I was given a bar of soap. A bar of Irish Spring. I'll never forget it. Getting on the water did something to me. I was competing against 10 guys...and I wasn't about to lose. Little, innocent, 15 year old, me...

Mr. and Ms. MRSA 1996 - we were cool!

Reluctantly accepting my, ahem, award. Ahhhh, my parents have probably never been more proud!

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